Funemployment and College Update

17 May 2024

Welp, I finished my freshman year of Berea College with a 3.24 GPA. I never read my textbooks and just attended lectures since most had an attendance policy, but I still got A’s and B’s! I also got to do some coolish stuff at work such as rooting Kindles for their use as a display with Raspberry PI’s for a CS course and learned some web development as well as devops type stuff. However, there’s some much unfortunate news…I’m suspended! Oh noes!! Wanna know why? no? Well too bad, and you’re still reading anyway. I failed my remedial math class twice, because the head of the Remedial Math Department is dead set on me not being able to use a calculator. Even though the disability office agreed with me that I need a calculator and I’ve always had to use one since grade school, but she fought to take it away from me even though the disability office let me use it for the first few weeks when I was in my remedial math class.

They created a disability panel and even though two+ people thought I should have use to the calculator, they took it away. I appealed to Berea’s appeal process, but their laywer and the new Berea College President both upheld the decision. Then, I appealed to the Department of Education in Kentucky as well as the feds, but they just saw I appealed internally and said they aren’t going to sue then closed the case. I reached out to some legal places, and one lawyer said that they’ll call me back, but then ghosted me and ignored my follow up calls. So I got fucked and failed twice without my calculator accomoditation. I sent them my pyschologist raw testing data and my k-12 records, but the Remedial Math director still stuck to her decision. To those who think I’m just a trouble maker or something, well you can go away. I literally got disagnoised by multiple subject matter experts and this one lady with a Bachelor’s in Math thinks she knows better than doctors.

Anyway, so I’m appealing my suspenison, but honestly I fucking hated it there anyway. I applied as a transfer student to Capitol College and Roosevelt University and got accepted to both, but it’s too expensive for me to attend. I’m probably just going to attend Community College again since it was the same quality of education I was getting at Tulane, but cheaper.

I’m now funemployed and was offered some internships (both with the US Government), but one was rescended and the other with a Department of Energy National Lab didn’t pay enough to pay for their high CoL area, so I would’ve been loosing money going and I was going to do borning plugin development work with assemby. So, no thanks felciha, I rather live rent free with my fam and enjoy home food again instead of the shitty Berea College dining food.

I’ve applied to a few hundred places, but none of them resulted in an offer. Even the CS grads at Berea are struggling like me though and they never even gotten to work in the industry like I have for 2+ years. I’m confident that I can return to working full-time with my multiple contributions and skills though. I have a large bit of savings that can last me a few years, so I’m not too screwed over.

Some of the goals of this summer that I have are to find more vulnerabilities and to help make software better that I use a lot.