Positive Changes at Berea College Which I Made Happen

24 May 2024

  1. The Pasta Bar hours got extended to 1:30pm instead of 11am-1pm to allow for students with classes from 12-1pm to get Pasta. Changed the next day after I emailed Dining about it.
  2. Students now get textbooks via PDF for free from the library. Berea gives students $400 each semester for textbooks, but I perfer PDFs as do some other students. Berea Admin initially wanted to charge me to get the PDF formats, but I recalled that Open Library is allowed under the DMCA. So, after some long back and forths, as well as Berea College consulting a lawyer, students can now get free PDF textbooks!!!! I was also motiviated by Aaron Swartz finding a loophole to get free textbooks via the return policy.
  3. Student Insurance now covers external Psychologists outside the White House clinic! The pyschologist as the contracted White House clinic near campus wouldn’t perscribe my needed Xanax and Adderal as well as not offering to help me find alt medicine. So after months of complaining they finally relented!
  4. I’m also in the process of further recourse for not providing me proper disability accommodations. I’ve been called “lazy” and “whiney” for my complaints as well as passive aggressiveness and even got called to a panel lol. Just ignore them and keep advocating for reasonable improvements.